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  • A fixed ring retractor “Oval” is a type of table mounted surgical retractor that allows improved access to the operating field and stable retraction throughout long procedures.
  • Its blades are therefore similar to retractors such as the Deaver retractor and the Richardson retractor. The former is designed as a curved blade, while the latter has an L-shaped blade and bulky handle.
  • Used for various procedures like kidney or prostate removal, also is often used in Urology & general surgeries, retractor is also popular for renal transplant use and radical cystectomy (Bladder removal).
  • It is combined with several blades, used for separating and holding back the ends of a surgical incision to expose the part of the body being operated on.
  • The ring retractor blades are used in a variety of surgical procedures mainly in the chest or the abdomen. This includes cholecystectomy, which involves gallbladder removal; appendectomy, or removal of the appendix; and hernia repair, which concerns getting rid of abnormal bulges in the abdomen.
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